Cover Ups Housing Crisis Politics and Religion Responsibility

A Cover Up?

Okay… A lot has been said about the Bush Administration ruining our economy, and no doubt excessive government spending for the last 16 years would likely be a portion of the problem. But, you cannot get away from the fact that the mortgage and housing finance crisis has left our banks, our stock market and our people hurting financially and our federal government feeling the need to hold the bag on all the economic issues we face today.

I hear the Democrats say – the middle class deserves to have everything given to them by the government. Tax breaks, education for their children, health care… and the rich (loosely defined as anyone making more than $250,000 per year – unless of course you are a professional politician in Washington D. C. then everything in your life is a tax right off, after all should we be taxing the taxes – their salary is after all our tax dollars at work) should pay for it. What? Is that really what the American Dream has been scaled down to?

I and my family are admittedly the Middle Class – but if the Democratic party gains power there will be more of the same – the same as the last two years in our House and Senate chambers. Months and years of the Republicans and Independents seeking the help of the majority party to do something in favor of our country – in favor of our people – in favor of our future. And more of the name calling, “We didn’t meet to talk about that,” “Congratulations, Detroit Redwings on winning the Stanley Cup” kind of nonsense I have been watching on C-Span in recent months.
I am not saying I agree with everything any one party is doing. I’m saying get informed about what is really going on. Watch your Federal Government at work and determine who you believe is really trying to do what is best and in keeping with the liberties and freedoms that the Founding Fathers wanted to ensure for the future generations of this nation. Do we want to leave our children an entitlement legacy or a legacy that says no matter where you start you can get to where you dream because our country is the freest, greatest, most beautiful nation in the entire world where the least to the greatest are empowered to ma$ke their own lives better with a dream, a spirit of determination and a goal to be all that you can be (and I’m not just talking in the army either).
The very idea that someone enslaved by poverty as a child could be elevated to the top of a corporation or own their own company and build a better life than they started out with (there are none to few of these testimonies… right?) Not because someone gave it to them, but because someone empowered them to believe enough in the process of free enterprise, ingenuity and just plain hard work and determination. Add faith in God, a divine destiny and a powerful prayer life and you have the opportunity for explosion in this nation again.
The entitlements that the Democrat party speak of are the notions of socialism and communism that cast us into social brackets and lock us into societal norms without the opportunity to grow ourselves or improve ourselves through our faith, our ambitions, our talents and our opportunities – a system of government that benefits the elitist governing body, not the people.
Democratic candidates and office holders have for the large part clearly stated that the American people can neither think for themselves or manage their own lives and finances – Their policies say we need a huge government that gets richer off of our misery and sells us to anyone willing to buy our debt. They solve problems by growing the scope and reach and corruption of government by inactivity and pointing to themselves as the answer. It destroys our society at its foundations.
The Republican’s have advocated for the most part that our government’s reach and participation in the individual life should be limited, that people should be empowered to live by their faith, think for themselves, and be empowered to act on their own behalf. That government should empower people not entitle them. Republicans by name represent the foundation for our legal system – rule by law. Let’s look hard before voting.
Independents seem to be split between the two. I believe liberty is the answer, truth is the answer, God is the answer, but not the gods who have set themselves up in Wahington believing the swing of a gavel garners them power and opportunity.
The following video is available on Youtube and speaks to these very issues. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae’s downfall was actually the advocated position of many democratic and lobbyist from the affirmative action sector. These advocates including members of the Clinton Administration have asked the housing industry to relax lending standards for the last 30 years when minorities and lower income families apply for loans for housing. The pressure was so great — that it happened. People who could not afford to buy a home were empowered and credited with the ability to buy a home way beyond their means. Until the mortgage rate adjusted or the funding ran out. The real estate market fell flat and the housing values are sinking while banks and mortgage companies own homes that are empty, torn up and valued at less than the amount that is owed on them. People are suffering and feeling the shame and loss of foreclosure because they were sold a lie.
See for yourself who is telling the truth. Who is being realistic in their concerns? Whose statements proved to hold true?

Our Pastor, Robert Morris, said this morning that the reason we are in a financial crisis is because our nation is in a spiritual crisis. Think of it, when Congress held church in the chambers before they opened each session, when God was at the center of our culture and our heritage – our nation prospered, won wars and experienced the greatest freedom this world has ever known. When He is asked to leave and forsaken… when He is denied and the people are caught up in their own reality… We fall apart. Why is that happening? We need the Lord – Pray for our nation.

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