God's Love Light Quiet Time The Vine and Branches Trees

A Quiet Place

If you know me at all… You know that trees are a big part of what God has used to illustrate my purpose and future. Growth and various kinds of trees have been consistently mentioned in the Scriptures that have spoken boldy to me about my life and ministry.

Today, around mid-morning I stepped out onto the back deck of the condo and found this beautiful view directly in front of me. I read over the notes I made as I read through Romans and several other passages of Scripture on the drive down yesterday. I then began to write to my daughters on postcards before getting out my MP3 player and worshipping the Lord right there in the fresh sunlight that was breaking through the hazy morning mist. Vivid colors bounced off the leaves and the branches as it spilled out on the back deck at my feet. I felt the warmth of my Father’s love embrace me in that moment and I smiled at the deep knowing that was taking place somewhere in the inner most places of my heart.
As I worshipped I began to notice the different types of trees and leaves on all of the branches. There are Maples and Oaks to be sure, but there are many different trees all together in the dense woodsey area just behind our lodging.
As I sang, “Peace, Be Still and Know That I Am God and I won’t fail, come step into the Light and Don’t Close Your Eyes Watch the Darkness fade into Light… Peace Be Still…” I began to focus on a particular tree with a bunch of grapevines delicately woven into its branches. I began to think of the beautiful marriage between this tree and the grapevine and how it so perfectly demonstrates the way our personal relationships with Christ must not just be something we dabble in every once in a while, but something that must be interwoven and become so intricately a part of who we are… Down in the marrow of our bones as Beth Moore likes to say.
I want to be like that tree reflecting the glory of the Vine within my own branches. The only difference – the vine I saw today did not bear fruit, but my Vine… I want to bear much Fruit to my Father’s Glory! I feel so beautifully loved today.

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  1. It is so awesome Michelle, when our knowing begins to take root into our belief system amd causes us to be “beautifully loved” today and every day. Beautiful you are to me and to Thee!

    Love to you,

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