The Siesta Fiesta

An Oddysey of Adventure – the Saga Unfolds….

In this post you will find the two selected forms of transportation that I will be sporting – one or the other – to San Antonio next month! And why, cause this here Greyhound bus and that there Amtrak Train are only $76-79 round trip from Fort Worth to San Antonio! And that my friends beats a plane or an automobile any day of my week!

I never thought I would relish the idea of riding a train or a bus, but you know when I began to explore these travel options my heart began to cry “ADVENTURE.” I picture that scene from Pearl Harbor where they are all on the train… I can see myself with laptop blogging away as the Texas Landscape just passes right on by.

Or how about Julia Roberts on a midnight bus ride escaping her abusive husband in “Sleeping With the Enemy.” I can hear some sweet elder lady ask me where I am headed and then I will share all my bloggin’ plans with her as we ride our bus to San Antonio…

Then a cab ride to the hotel or some sight seeing around San Antonio – what a glorious time it will be.

I am a loner on my way to a fesitval of friends. I can’t wait! My daughter would like to go with me and I am still praying about that because she will be staying with people we hardly know. She also has to pay her own way – which is no big deal since she is working this summer.

So… What else can I say about this trip – oh HOTELS… there is one spot left in my room by the way!

I’m excited to be staying at the Riverwalk Marriott with a bunch of our Siesta friends. I have a room I’ve been trying to fill since March or May – at least I am pretty sure that month begins with an M! Anywho… I had two friends local who had agreed to make the trip with me, one of them was planning to drive… But, a few weeks ago – one dropped out and then the other. I was disappointed not to get to share this grand adventure with my friends. However, I also realized that maybe there is a divine appointment in that somewhere. I had one blogger friend who had booked my room for the weekend when I first learned I had it – and a couple of weeks ago she let me know her health was not so good and she had lost her job… Now, I have an empty hotel room again. A few days later a couple of ladies from Alabama signed up – but life is happening there and the enemy seems to have an assignment agains every single person I have found to share my hotel room with me… I then got a call from a lady blogger from Illinois who wanted one of the newly available spots in my room, and later got in touch with a wonderful blog reader from Virginia who are now my new roommates… and I am prayign they stick! Cause, Lord, I need to share my room with someone!

So now I am meeting two people for the first time in San Antonio and we are spending our weekend together with several hundred more women we have never in our lives met before… AND glory, now I am coming by bus or train… Please Pray… I need it!

Blessings All! San Antonio or Bust in 30 days… and at this rate it just might be BUST! As in, if I don’t get there, I’ll just bust!

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  1. Hi Michelle,
    It’s been a long time since I’ve talked to you.
    I sure hope you find a roommate! I definitely believe there is someone out there needing a room.
    It’ll be fun no matter what happens.
    I’m so excited. Only 11 days.
    The train or the bus….either one sounds like a good deal to me.
    I can’t wait to meet you.
    I’ll be looking for you.

  2. okay it’s me again, crazy lady! thank you for your comment and someday you come on back and read my post from June 18th (i believe) which is all about forgiveness.

    i think i may have to sneak in alexia’s luggage!! i told her she needs to take great notes. i am so excited for all of you.


  3. ok i just have to pipe in here!! alexia is one of the ladies staying with you. she and i have met on another forum and she told me of her plans and gave me your blog address. this much i can say, God has a divine appointment for sure. i am reading through your blog with goose bumps knowing how God is already working.

    you WILL be there and if something happens that gets in the way, please let me know. i know you don’t even know me, but i know you all need to be together.

    now that you think i’m a crazy woman i am going to continue reading.


  4. I probably should have thought of doing the bus/train thing. I was stressing because we don’t have a reliable vehicle but I did find some ladies to ride with, so I am so very thankful! I’m excited because I don’t ever get to travel and I haven’t been anywhere in years!

    Michelle V

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