52 Week Bible Reading Plan Bible Reading Bible Reading Plan Bible Study Bible Study: Blog through the Bible blog faith faith blog free Bible Scripture

Blog through the Bible – Introduction

This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, ~ Genesis 2:4 (NKJV)

A couple of years ago I found myself on the verge of a brand new journey. The Lord had me reading the book of Genesis during that season.

As we embark on our Blog through the Bible journey I’m praying that He will reveal Himself to each one of us in the same way God showed me this great truth through a History Lesson on September 1, 2009.

As I read chapters one and two here is what I saw in the referenced verse of Scripture:

First, I had some questions.

  • I noted that God made significant distinctions regarding the lights in the heavens He created verses the darkness, and between mankind and the animals. Read it for yourself. I read the NKJV… but I’m sure there will be revelation in any translation. Particularly interesting was that He had made the sun and moon and stars to “rule over” His creation (Day/Night). And that He made a significant distinction between how He set man apart from the animals. Man was made according to the image/likeness of God, but the animals each were created according to their own kind.

  • My questions… Why? Why? What does that mean? So I asked the Lord to show me what He wanted me to know about Him.

After I asked that question, this is what I read: Genesis 2:4 “This is the history of the heavens and the earth…”

And at exactly that moment something in me came alive. It was like I suddenly knew why I was so curious. My journal reflects that glorious moment so much better than my memory does – so read on to learn what it meant to me:

“God has been writing a story…a history, rich with people, experiences, action, drama, struggle, victory, power, intrigue and beauty. But, these things are not the heart of what He wants the history to reveal. The history of the heavens and the earth reveal not just what God has done – they reveal who He is and what He desires to do… His plan.

The history of the heavens and the earth involve stories – stories about God, angels and people. It unfolds like a map across time and each story reveals a clue, a revelation about the manifest presence of God, His character, and His nature that points to the depravity of our human condition and nature as well as our utter need of His loving redemption and truth.

The history of heaven and earth reveals the lengths that love will go to reveal itself to the one whom He calls beloved.

My story tells a part of that – and by allowing me to choose, He has allowed me to come alongside Him and write the story He is telling through my life.”

The story reads all about Him and what He wants to do in and through me-and you for that matter. That week God spoke to me about something He had showed me a long time ago – something I believe related to my husband and his ministry, but God said, “You have Healer and Restoration written all over you.” Oh Lord, I told everyone that week that by Friday I could just go and fall on my face before Him I was so in awe and so blessed by what He was doing. He is so good. So beautifully, faithfully good. I love Him so.

God’s Word truly is a treasure chest filled with new and deep revelations that are found through the simple reading of His Word. Let’s engage Him in the simplicity of His Word and discover the deep and revelatory truth that has been waiting for us there all this time!

As I read through the comments to Thursday’s invitation I found the need for another Boundary! Boundary #6: Let this be a “one another” opportunity. Come back here  each week. Read about what God is doing and saying to everyone who has agreed to Blog through the Bible. Visit their blogs and pray for them. Let’s face it – We could all use a little prayer. Right?

In the comments to Thursday’s post you will meet Dena’ who asked boldly for prayer because her family is under attack. Let’s be a prayer shield around her family. You will also find Amy M. She and her family have been tried by fire these last six months following her husband’s accident in July. She needs our prayers – for a prayer shield to gather around her and offer her agreement, encouragement and the love of our Father God. So on the weekly reading plan post each Friday – please feel free to leave any prayer requests you may have in the comments. And as you come by to pick up your reading plan – check in on the prayer requests-pray for those who need it and if you feel comfortable write a response to the requests right there in the comments.

We’re church here… We’re a community of people with one thing in common: a desire to hear from our God through His Word.

To read more about what God taught me through this “history lesson” visit my post: A History Lesson. Looking forward to where the map takes us in the days ahead. May the Lord richly bless you in your desire to know Him better through His Word.

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  1. Colleen,
    It is so amazing how God will pull a nugget of revelation to the surface in His Word and as you read a familiar passage it just takes on new life – new revelation. He is speaking to me about fruit… I can’t wait to share the harvest next week. Thanks for coming alongside me in this. You are a treasure, my friend. 🙂 [HUGS] <3 Ya!

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