brittany Code Words Dating Milkshakes

CODE WORD: Milkshake

This is Brittany… my eldest. She has met a young man named Stephan who is going to pick her up from work and take her out for ice cream tonight.

So she called me a little while ago and said, “Mom, Stephan is coming to pick me up and we are going out for some ice cream.”

“Okay. Who’s Stephan?”

“My new friend, I told you about him.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“But, I called to let you know I might need a ‘milkshake.'”

I had to wait a minute and let my brain understand what she was trying to tell me. My mental file search option was rolling through my brain looking for items marked Brittany and Milkshake.

Then she said it again and it finally clicked. “Milkshake.”

A few years ago when she began dating we developed a code word, a nonsense word so if she called to tell me “I’m at ________________ with __________________ and I need a milkshake.” That I would come and pick her up right away no questions asked.

So … we agreed since they were going out for ice cream that she should call and say, “Hey Mom, we’re at Sonic and I wanted to know if you’d like a milkshake.”

OPERATION: Ditch My Date – CODE WORD: Milkshake….

Mom’s on call – And awaiting further instructions.

And, BTW, this message will self-destruct in 30 seconds… (Not really, but I’ve always wanted to say that.)

OPERATION: Ditch My Date – A No Go, I repeat a No Go.
She made it home safe and sound without any rescue attempts by Covert Dating Ops Agent Mom. She did however get a text message while she was with him that read:
“OPERATION: Ditch My Date – CODE WORD: Milkshake activated. Agent Mom standing by awaiting furthing instructions. This message will self destruct in 30 seconds.”

She said she had a hard time explaining why she was busting a gut laughing. I called her a few minutes later to see if she was okay and she said, yeah – I can’t reply because that message is going to self destruct!

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  1. This is the best advice I have heard this week. Thanks so much. My daughter is 13 so now is the time to start discussing it. that way we will have 40 more years to get it right before she starts dating. 🙂

  2. I loved this post. You crack yourself up, don’t you? It is weird to think of anyone needing a milkshake while out on a date with one of my sons! LOL! And i can’t imagine my sons needing me to rescue them…LOL1 It is so different with girls…guess God knew I couldn’t handle it! That is a precious post! What a neat relationship you have. She is gorgeous. I think I would keep her locked up! See? Told you I couldn’t handle it! LOL!

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