Everyday Doers Ministry Roov

Everyday Doers: Get Your Roov On!

Hey there all my bloggy friends! Mandy Thompson is doing 30 days of doing over at her blog, mandythompson.com and is allowing me to share about something I am doing.

Well, I’m learning to roov! A ROOV is a networking website (www.roov.com) where you can register your location, your church affiliation and your ministry, career or other interests and then connect with people to meet with face to face to begin to work together to accomplish your goals.

I highly recommend checking it out. One of the ways I am getting my roov on is this blog – I blog for Christ, blog to minister to hurting moms and I blog because I love to write. All three are areas where I am loving the Lord and expressing my unique spiritual DNA in a way that honors and glorifies God.

I am getting my roov on in many ways! First I have logged into the Roov community and shared my vision, my passions and my burdens for grief ministry and teaching God’s Word.

Next, I began leading a womens group tonight at church for Bereaved Mothers. I’m so excited about this recovery/healing focused ministry I can barely stand myself. God gave me the message and the Holy Spirit guided me in writing every single word of the curriculum this summer. I walking out this journey based on my unique giftings and talents as well as my experience with God through His Word, His Spirit and His People. Never despise small assignments… be faithful in small things and he will give you bigger ones.

Finally, I am sharing my vision for starting a Christ-focused ministry center that will be helping families with children – ministering to whole families – who have suffered the loss of someone close to them. It is a huge vision that I am passionate about – it has lots of details and all of them will take a vision, a staff of dedicated ministers and staff and a small village of volunteers to truly accomplish well.

I ROOV… Do you?

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