
Inspired by Jackee Hamp… Five Step Spiritual Beauty Tips

Today on FB my friend Jackee shared a post about glamour products she loves…Which gave me the idea to share mine here with you — But with a twist. About seven years ago I began leading women’s ministry in a small Baptist church nestled between two small country towns in North Texas. Each year we would host an annual Mother-Daughter banquet. I was scheduled to share a few brief beauty tips with those in attendance that year. We had invited a guest speaker to come and were looking forward to sharing the day with our mothers and daughters.

At the last minute our guest speaker was unable to attend which left a huge whole in our program. My partner in  planning the event asked if I would be able to stretch my beauty tips to fill in more time. I told her I would see what I could do. This post is the fruit of that experience and several years selling and learning to expertly apply beauty products to my own face.

Let me start by sharing my history with glamour products. For a number of years I sold Mary Kay cosmetics where I learned the art of cosmetic application, five steps of skin care and great beauty tips like… “Never go to bed with make-up on your face.” 🙂 Research has shown that sleeping in make-up adds years to your appearance.

I have also dabbled in Arbonne International and used a variety of brand names from Cover Girl to Clinique. I’ve done my own hair care from cutting to coloring and home permanent waves. So… if anyone could have a sidewalk degree in beauty application I might just have the market cornered there. Though, I am absolutely sure that someone out there might have better advice than I … I am writing to impart. “Test everything, hold onto the good.” -The Apostle Paul.


In Mary Kay we taught people to 1.) cleanse, 2.) exfoliate, 3.) freshen, 4.) Moisturize, 5.) Protect. I can recite and appropriate these five steps in a half sleeping state. As I consider how applying these five steps to my facial care twice a day has greatly enhanced my skin’s appearance and condition I began to consider how these same five steps might apply to my daily spiritual care.

1. Cleanse – In the cleanse step of skin care we apply water and cleanser to our face in order to wash away any dirt, oil and cosmetic residue that may be on our skin. For the care of our spirit or our heart, we must also allow the Living Water of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word to wash us whiter than snow.

In this step of our spirit care it is important for us to do two things, invite the Holy Spirit and a few close Christian friends to regularly speak into our lives to correct us and to bring conviction when needed and repentance; this works like the cleanser to clean up any residue of sin, hurts or generational iniquity in our lives; and make confession a regular daily practice. 1 John 1:9 says “…if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and CLEANSE us from all unrighteousness.” (My paraphrase and emphasis).”

FOR THIS PART OF SKIN CARE: I use AVEENO Positively Radiant Facial Cleanser.

FOR YOUR SPIRIT CARE: I recommend making time each day to lay your heart open before the Lord. Allow Him to examine and uncover anything that may be lingering there that stands between you. Repent where He shows you you need to repent. Repent simply means to change your mind. Then, agree with God through confession about what you’ve done and appropriate His forgiveness to yourself.  The Greek word for “to cleanse” is a written in a tense that reflects a past action with continuing future results.

2. Exfoliate. In the exfoliation process we apply a gritty substance to our skin in order to slough away any dead skin cells and reveal fresh, new skin. It helps reduce the effects of the environment and time on our faces. As I considered this step of skin care I found that for my spirit care this step mirrors the process of memorizing Scripture. I press into God’s Word by repeatedly massaging His Word into my heart. God’s Word is powerful, as Hebrews 4:12 says – it is sharper than a double-edged sword. It pierces, divides, reproofs, corrects, and instructs. It sloughs away the dead places inside of our hearts and leaves it fresh and renewed so it can be rightly aligned with God’s truth. God’s Word RENEWS our heart and our mind.  This step was not practiced daily, but instead it is practiced every one to two days to keep the face looking fresh. This applies to memorizing Scripture as we can take one Scripture and massage it into our hearts until it takes hold there and does it’s work. Then we can select another one.

FOR THIS STEP IN SKIN CARE: I use AVEENO Skin Brightening Facial Scrub.

FOR YOUR SPIRIT CARE: Find a technique that helps you to memorize Scriptures. I will often write a Scripture I want to memorize on 3×5 index cards and post them throughout my home and on my desk at work. I then rehearse them over and over again, I pray them back to God and write them down several more times. Some people use hand signals or word association. Depending on your learning style, you will need to fine tune Scripture memorization to your own unique strengths and talents. It’s not how you go about committing Scripture to memory – it’s the effect those Scriptures have on your heart, your mind and your life that matter. I try to memorize Scriptures the Lord shows me are related to the circumstances I find myself in-this gives them new meaning in my life. If He is pointing something out to you in His Word it is worth the time to commit it to your heart.

3. Refresh. For this step in skin care, an astringent (a crisp, cooling liquid with purifying effects) is applied to the skin. In our spiritual care, that astringent we apply to our hearts to refresh it and bring life to it is our quiet time. I find that as get quiet before the Lord, my heart turns to praise Him and express gratitude to Him for the blessings and the hardships in my life and my cup begins to fill as my heart overflows with His love. Love for Him, love for myself and love for those around me. It gives life to me. Ps. Robert Morris says that worship is love expressed. Worship invigorates us spiritually, it energizes our hearts and our minds to receive from the Lord. Worship invites the life-giving presence and power of God into our midst. When Jesus had spent time out among the people, ministering and relating to them, He often would then retreat to a quiet place by Himself to spend time with His Father alone. We must allow our Heavenly Father to REFRESH us daily.

FOR SKIN CARE: You may want to use an astringent like Biore’ or Sea Breeze. However, you can also purchase witchhazel or witchhazel pads that are safe to use on the face. A simple cotton swab with alcohol is also an effective astringent.

FOR SPIRITUAL CARE: One of the most effective ways that you can guard your quiet time is to set a daily time to spend – just you and the Lord. You can do anything you want during that time as long as the focus is on the Lord. Worship, praise, talk to Him like He is your friend, like He doesn’t know a thing about you. When I first began to practice the discipline of quiet time, I lay in the floor of my office and pictured myself at His feet. The first time I did this, all I did was lay in the floor experiencing His presence and weeping before the Lord. My heart was overwhelmed by His love in those first few moments of quiet time. I only lingered there for some 15 minutes, but it felt like days.

4. Moisturize. This step is critical to the skin care regimen. Time, heat, natural elements and even the first three steps of skin care sap your skin of moisture. Applying a good moisturizer to your face daily helps skin to retain its elasticity and youthful appearance. I consider this to be akin to the way we “nourish” our bodies with food. If we don’t replenish our skins supply of moisture it will soon be dry, cracked and difficult to touch. The same is true of our spirit. If we do not supply our heart and mind with spiritual nourishment we will soon find our spiritual life wasting away from malnutrition.

I often joke with my family that it is foolish for us to go to church once a week and listen to a sermon taught by someone else and allow that to be the only spiritual nourishment we receive for an entire week. I then add, “If you were to go to a restaurant on Sunday and eat only a meal that had been chewed up and regurgitated by someone else you would die of malnutrition. The same way your spirit and your faith will die if you do not regularly, daily feed yourself on God’s Word.”

Whether you join in an organized study of God’s Word or you simply dig deep into God’s Word seeking out treasures for yourself, Bible study must be a part of your regular relationship with God. Scripture tells us that God’s Word is milk to those who are immature and meat to those who are mature. Feast on the NOURISHMENT of His Word daily, and “taste and see that the Lord is good. “

FOR SKIN CARE: Use a good moisturizer and preferably one that does not contain mineral oil or a petroleum based oil or wax. In the past, the SPF factor had been added to Foundation Cosmetics and considered enough to protect the skin from incidental sun exposure. In recent studies, cosmetic companies now recommend that you apply the SPF protection as close to your skin as possible. A good moisturizer with an SPF of 15 or higher is recommended. I prefer to use AVEENO Positively Radiant because is has the prescribed SPF and leaves my skin fresh and soft. My foundation goes on smooth and stays on better than other moisturizers I have used in the past. I also use an additional moisturizing product – a holdover from my Mary Kay consultant days. Day and Night Solution. This also has SPF protectant in it and several nutrients that are beneficial for anti-aging and moisturizing skin.

FOR SPIRIT CARE: I prefer to do at least some of my study with a group and leader in an organized fashion. It helps create community and offers the opportunity for Iron to sharpen Iron. Get you a good devotional or Bible Study book like  Priscilla Shire, Kay Arthur, Lisa Bevere, or Beth Moore and feast away. It’s like a recipe book for your heart!

5. Protect. We covered this a bit in the fourth step as times are changing. But, most foundations have an SPF quality.  The make-up can also provide a layer of protection from the elements. Even better than this is a cream that I call, “ZIT ZAPPER.” If you have a sudden break out or occasional blemish whether you are young and experiencing the raging hormones of youth or middle aged acne like me. Zit Zapper is a great thing to have on hand just in case.

I think prayer works a lot like foundation and zit zapper. It COVERS and provides preventive PROTECTION as well as counteracts the occasional flare up that arises through people, circumstances, dark spiritual influences and other outside influences. Daily prayer, and continual communication with God brings to us the peace of His presence that guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (See Philippians 4:6-7). Scripture admonishes us to pray without ceasing, pray with faith believing we have what we ask, pray boldly, pray fervently. PRAY IN THE SPIRIT. Bottom line, Pray. It covers everything and opens ourhearts to receive by faith.

FOR SKIN CARE: I use Revlon Color Stay make-up because it has long wearing effectiveness, with a heavy coverage look, but without the heavy make-up feel. For Zit Zapper I use Neutragena’s Rapid Clear products (pictured).

FOR SPIRIT CARE: Learning to pray Scripture has helped me in my protect and cover discipline of daily prayer. Finding a precedent in God’s Word and declaring it over my family or my situation has proven to be an effective tool in my tool belt. I also practice “Praying in Tongues” (See 1 Cor 14). My prayer language is a gift from God that I exercise throughout the day. I pray in the Spirit when I am afraid, or when I have concerns that I don’t want to offer to the enemy. He can hear my words and see my actions, but the enemy of my soul cannot read my mind. My prayer language is between God and I, and it gives the enemy no useful weapon to use against me.

And now, I will offer you my favorite glamour products:The right tools for beauty care are essential to great beauty care. Using the correct tools will help you achieve a salon look without the salon price. In the same way, I need to make sure I’m allowing God to equip me with the right spiritual tools. He is constantly equipping us for the work of His kingdom and it is up to us to pull them out and use them. Here are some of my favorite tools in beauty care: flat cotton pads (Great for removing eye make-up and nail polish, their flat pressed cotton style doesn’t leave the traces of cotton on you fingers and toes); q-tips (for the occasional eye make-up mishap-TIP: If you accidentally get a dot of mascara or liquid eyeliner out of place take a dry q-tip and gently twist over the errant eye make-up after it dries. It will gently pull the dark cosmetic off without taking off your foundation); a blunt round tip eye make-up brush for applying dark accent colors in the crease of the eye -I purchased the pictured blunt brush at Ulta for around $10.00; an angled blush brush – the one I use pictured herecan be purchased at Ulta from the Bare Escentuals line – mine came with a starter set of the Bare Escentuals line. I also like their large powder brush with Ulta’s translucent light powder to set my make-up finished look.

EYE PRODUCTS: I use Revlon Color Stay Quad powdered eye shadows. II prefer to use a set of neutrals and a set of grays/blacks, but try what suits you. Maybelline Lash Stiletto – in black. Waterproof or regular – this is my favorite Mascara product. It creates light-weight long lashes with very little clumping. I also keep an extra clean mascara wand handy – you can get them at the beauty supply or your local Mary Kay consultant. 🙂 (TIP: Do not pump your mascara – introducing air into your mascara canister will cause it to dry out and clump. Also, you do not want to share mascara wands with others – and it is recommended that you replace your mascara product every 30 days to avoid infections). I also like the Revlon Color Stay Liquid Eye Pen. It makes a neat line in either wide or narrow. It stays on well and weathers the water works in decent fashion. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. I finish off my eye look with a dark brown eye brow pencil by L’Oreal. And when it is time to take it all off again… Neutrogena Oil Free Eye Make-Up Remover. YES! This takes off most all kinds of eye products including waterproof products. It is the BOMB!  Works great if you need to change lipstick after you’ve applied it. Just dab a little on a cotton pad and clear the color from lips for a fresh palette.

FOR LIPS: Hands down Color Essentials by Maybelline is my favorite lipstick in the color “Sugared Honey” it is a rich neutral color mixing a pinkish mauve with a deep beige undertone. I do not use a lip liner, but prefer a light neutral one if I do. I top it off with one of two lip gloss products for added gloss and moisture. Maybelline’s Minty Clear LipLuscious Lip Gloss or Victoria’s Secret Mango flavor. YUMMY!

FOR CHEEKS: Neutrogena’s blusher to the apples of my cheeks and along my cheekbone as well as a brush across the tip of my nose, chin and forehead. I also apply lightly under my chin and on my neck for an evening of the color. It comes in a variety of shades ranging from paler pinks and orchids to warm bronzes for a rich sun-kissed look.

For HAIR CARE: The right tools are also needed. I use a CONAIR ceramic brush with a tourmaline heat strip. The majority of my hairstyling comes form the blow dry. If you are not sure how to get the right look ask your hair stylist to give you styling tips when you go in for a hair cut! I often will go in and watch attentively to the way she holds the brush or the dryer, how she maneuvers the flat iron through my hair and so on. I have also been known to pay for a cut so I can learn to maintain the style myself. As far as styling products go… KENRA Platinum is my fave. My hair designer/stylist, Stacey, introduced me to them and I can purchase them at Ulta. The cost is a bit higher than your average styling products and shampoo but the end result both in how my hair looks and feels is so worth it! I use their shampoo, conditioner, silkening gloss – only one drop on the fingertips – apply underneath and work your way out or your hair will look like a greasy string… I also use thickening glaze and the blow dry spray. I love them and my hair smells like a sweet treat when I’m all styled up!

PERFUMES: Mary Kay and Victoria’s Secret land in my faves.

Heavenly – Dream Angels Collection – Just heavenly, in the yellow box. It is sweet and sensual all at the same time. I like the lightness of the fragrance and the divine name…

Elige by Mary Kay… I wore this for years. It has a light, but elegant feminine appeal to it. I love this fragrance and at around $40.00 a bottle it is priced right.

Journey by Mary Kay. This strong floral fragrance tickles the nose and sweetens the senses. It is also prices at around $40.00

What I like best about all of these fragrances is not only the beautiful way they make me smell and feel, but also the fact that at the end of the day if I take a deep breath I can still smell the fragrance lingering in my clothes and on my skin. Simply Delightful!

Maybe you want to add these to your shopping list as stocking stuffers for Christmas or perhaps you want to pick a few up to pamper yourself… Either way you can’t go wrong with any of these products. I’ve tried it all from top end to Wal-Mart bargain and these are the ones I always come back to.

I wish you a beautiful and delightful Christmas Season in the days to come!






I have not received financial or free product compensation from any product or company represented in this post. This post is based on my personal use and opinion of these products.

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