prayer requests Purpose Scripture and Insights

June 10, 2008 – Prayer Requests

PLEASE: Forgive my late posting. Yesterday, gloriously was my oldest daughter’s High School graduation and we were busy, busy, busy. Please pray and respond to this week’s verse of Scripture for Thought Filled Thursdays.

This week I am asking for prayer for the meeting I have with church pastors regarding my grief/transformation group for Bereaved Mothers on June 19th and June 26th. Please pray for favor, for our ideas and desires to be in sync. Also, pray for our families finances and for God to bless and restore us from the years the locusts have eaten.

Lord, I ask that you be mighty in the circumstances of those who come to read and learn and share their stories here. I ask Lord, that You would find us faithful to our calling and that You would bring comfort, peace and love to those who are hurting over the loss of their children this week. Lord, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. I pray none of us would find ourselves making idols of our children or Heaven and so being distracted from the Comforter and the God of all Comfort who brings forth healing and joy for the ashes and pain of death. You alone are God and we praise You both in the good times and the bad. In Jesus Name we ask these things, Amen.

Please consider the following verse of Scripture and how it reflects the season of grief that you are in:

* Do you find yourself in the midst of a time when your eyes cannot focus on the daily details of life much less where God is in the middle of all your pain? Yes/No and explain.

* How have you found grief to be physically, emotionally and mentally exhausting?

* What helps you to get through those times?

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