Disaster Relief Good Cause Proctor and Gamble T-Shirts

Loads of Hope… T-shirts for a Good Cause

Janet from BlogHer Ads sent me an email asking me to blurb this great cause. Maybe You’ve Heard of It… Tide Loads of Hope!
Proctor and Gamble assists people in areas hit by natural disaster by providing clean clothes and portable laundry facilities in the aftermath of such devestation and turmoil. It is a little bit of comfort and hope offered in a big way. One way we can support this cause is by purchasing a Tide’s Loads of Hope T-Shirt. They come in four colors and are available for purchase at the through this LINK. (Please use this link… It helps them know I sent you their way!) Please consider purchasing one of these vintage t-shirts and sending a little hope to those who end up caught in the storm! After seeing the damage myself first hand this past fall I know that this is a huge help to those who find themselves at such a loss and in such need!

FROM THE P&G Website:
From Tide’s Loads of Hope Website: Tide Loads of Hope helps in the aftermath of a natural disaster by providing clean clothes and a sense of comfort to families in need. Partnering with Feeding America, we travel to disaster affected neighborhoods with the Tide Loads of Hope truck or vans, our free mobile laundry service.

Tide Loads of Hope truck:
32 high-effiency washers and dryers stationed on the truck
Can do 300 wash and dry cycles a day -equal to one year’s worth of laundry for a single family
Will wash about 9,000 loads of laundry over a four-week period
Leveraged during massive disasters where electricity is unavailable in the region
Tide Loads of Hope vans:
In partnership with a local laundromat, the Tide Loads of Hope vans provide free laundry service at the same load rate as the trucks.
Leveraged during disasters where neighboring communities still have a source of electricity To date, Tide Loads of Hope has washed more than 35,000 loads of laundry for over 20,000 families. Most importantly, the Tide Loads of Hope program means we’re equipped to take action whenever and wherever there is a need in our country.Tide Loads of Hope Vintage Tees:Tide Loads of Hope can also be supported through the purchase of a Tide Vintage Tee. All profits go to support families affected by disaster.Where it all started In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the need for clean clothing became critical, and Tide found a way to help. So in November 2005, the Tide Loads of Hope truck headed to Camp Hope in the Metairie, LA area and cleaned over 10,000 loads of laundry. The spirit of this first venture informs and inspires everything Tide Loads of Hope program does.
Thanks a million! We appreciate any help you can give us to get the word out.

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