Covenants and Contracts Marriage Valentine's Day Vow Renewal

Love, Valentine’s Day and Covenants

These last few years there has been a great emphasis in all the teachings I’ve heard on marriage regarding the matter of covenant relationship versus contract agreement. My pastor, Robert Morris, explained this so beautifully in his teachings video taped by Life Today called “Elevate.”
He said in a contract relationship you are protecting your rights and limiting your responsibility. But, with a covenant relationship you are LAYING down your rights and TAKING UP someone else’s responsibility. Covenant is not about who does what — it is about each looking out for the best interest of the other 100% without concern for what the other does in return. WOW!
That truth has resonated through my life again and again since last fall. The CD copies of those teachings arrived in my mail box a few weeks before I went to see Scott while he was working in the Houston area. I listened to the entire series and the messages particularly on marriage all the way down there and all the way home. Five hours of solid Biblical teaching both ways… WHOO HOO! I even shared some of the messages with Scott while we drove around the hurricane ravaged landscapes in and through the coastal areas of Texas.
I had attended the taping of those teachings at the Life Today studios in Euless, TX in August and was so excited to receive the CDs in time to take them to my husband. I came home from my rendevous with Scott in such a devestated region and realized that I didn’t just want to live my marriage out of a covenant attitude, but that I had to do so… I had no other option.
Pastor Robert also shared in that message that a covenant must always have a redeemer. When the times are tough and redemption and restoration is necessary in the relationship one of the parties must be willing to lay down their life to restore the relationship, just as Christ did for us on the cross.
Love, in this light, is so much more than a romantic evening or fond memories… Love is hard work. A beautiful dance and testimony of the grace of God and the promise of redemption in every area of our lives. Love is being redeemed, restored and renewed.
I shared the photo slideshow of my wedding in the previous post because I have been weighing something I had planned for years. A public ceremony with family and friend reaffirming our vows in a covenant relationship before God this year. You see, this is the first year in the ten and a half years we’ve been married that our anniversary and the day of the week we got married fall into place. Scott was not saved when we were married and well, with everything we have been through a renewal is in order in so many ways. What a beautiful way to seal it in as the Lord works in and through us to restore our marriage as He would have it be.
This weekend my hubs and I will spend the special day assigned for lovers under the very anointed teaching of Pastor Jimmy Evans and his wife, Karen, who are the founders and hosts of Marriage Today. Pastor Jimmy has helped me so much in the last two years and I am so looking forward to the reward of being diligent in seeking the Lord even as we celebrate our love this weekend. What a glorious thing – a glorious thing.
So I have a couple of questions for you while we’re at it:
Answer any or all of the following if you wish:
1) What is your fondest Valentine’s Day Memory with your spouse?
2) How do you view the marriage ceremony (covenant or contract)?
3) What are you doing for Valentine’s Day this year?
4) What are your thoughts on vow renewal or re-affirmation?
5) If you have had a vow renewal ceremony would you briefly share your experience in the comments so we can be blessed by your testimony?
Thanks so much. God is so good – is He not? He is so gloriously good. I love Him so.
May you be ever blessed – With Much Love to you all.

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  1. I wish you a very wonderful anniversary…it has to mean so much this year!

    I have no special Valentines Day that sticks out…

    I see the marriage ceremony as a holy and binding covenant before God.

    Vow renewals I see as a personal choice…great if it is something both people in the marriage see as good and important…but I do not see it as necessary for all couples. Though hubby and I did it once at a Marriage Conference by Family Life…and it was special. Very special. It meant more because of how our relationship with Christ had grown.

  2. Michelle,

    I have God-skin. God is so absolutely amazing and P-E-R-F-E-C-T!

    I’m so pleased for you.

    1) Fondest Valentines memory….may very well be the renewal of our vows a few years back on Maui, On Valentine’s Day as it was Sunday, and our Pastor there had us renew our vows.


    3) Vow renewal is important to me.

    4) We actually are going to do this again on Saturday evening with a mini-class on Covenant and then our vow renewal. There are I believe 25 couples that are doing this, is that not the coolest?

    Love ya,

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