Military Service North Platte NE Thank You Tribute

North Platte, Nebraska

The ladies of North Platte, NE met a desperate need in the lives of young men passing through their town on their way to and from the war fronts in World War II. They shared love and hope and promise with these young men who were uncertain, alone and many admittedly young and afraid. North Platte, NE – the love of Christ at work in the hearts of women willing to serve the men who were fighting for their freedom. A gesture of service and gratitude that comforted many and resounds in the hearts of those who still live to tell its story.

I know our church hosts teams that go to DFW Airport each and every week to welcome home returning troops from the war front. They say thank you, welcome home, we love you, we’ve been praying for you. It is the very least we can do as the hands and feet of Jesus. After all, it was Jesus who said, “Greater love has no man than this, that he would lay down his life for a friend.” And then Jesus became your friend and mine when He laid down his life for us on Calvary’s tree. May God bless our troops, our service men and women, who volunteer to serve our nation on the warfronts and in peace time defending the cause of Americans and freedom around the globe.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you paid the price that paved the way for men and women to come to America and seek Liberty for all mankind. Thank you for men and women today who are willing to step into harms way and uncertainty to advance that same cause more than 200 years later. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for those who across the traverse of time have taken up arms and fought to set people free. I pray that Your Name Would Be praised in the lives of all who are touched by this post.

Thank you.

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