Prayer Requests and the Like

Prayer Requests

I have a couple of prayer requests:

For my friend Rick and his wife, Liz. He is in the hospital battling cancer and they got bad news yesterday. They are holding strong to their faith and God’s promises, but who couldn’t use extra prayer in the midst of a storm.

Also would you pray for this young man… Ethan. His story just grabbed my heart. His picture is below:

Thanks all…

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  1. Lord,

    I lift up Rick and Ethan. You know them intimately. You planned all of their days. Nothing is too difficult for you. Nothing. You are the God of all flesh. Surround them. Bless them in the midst of this trial…keep their eyes on You, that they may know no matter what You are aways good, all the time and You hold them in Your hand and love them with an everlasting love. Give them what they need to bring You glory and honor through this all. We ask healing if it be Your will in the name of Jesus. Touch them Lord. You are the same today as You were yesterday as You will be forever. We lay them at Your feet. Amen.

  2. Michelle, thank you very much!
    Why don’t you do the New Testament with us…it will start in October.
    I’d love to hear His Word from your beautiful heart! I read about Ethan before and it so gripped me for his life to be touched by God. And praying for your friends—got the e-mail. I’m deadline driven on a publication project right now but will write more when I can. We’re “on hold” is the word from Austin. Waiting on God, not man.

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