She Speaks Conference

Praying… Believing… Receiving… She Speaks


Well, ladies I learned about a terrific opporutnity to win a scholarship to the Proverbs 31 “She Speaks” conference for women in all walks of ministry… speakers, ministry leaders, writers and the like… um… like me (well at least I hope)?????

Okay, so to the best part – I found out about it over at BooMama’s place (I am a little out of breath because I ran all the way back to tell you about it as soon as I could… just kidding, but I am out of breath with excitement…) and thought well, now here would be a great big chance for me to see a bit of our national countryside, because I drive – not fly, not to mention meet a blog icon or two or three or well maybe all of you, too… and get some valuable information about this Habakkuk 2:2-3 opportunity that God has put in my life. I mean, He told me to be actively pursuing what He has given me, but be still… do you think going to North Carolina for a conference would qualify for being still… me either, but I so want to go to North Carolina. And BooMama told us all about it because she is going to be speaking there… that’s right, she’s speaking at the conference about what else, BLOGGING!

AND, as if that were not enough, there are going to be great workshops and opportunities for writers, speakers and ministry leaders to learn what it takes to fine tune their craft and develop their God-given gifts and talents, and well, it just sounds like an out of this world kind of anointed time.

Seriously, I am writing this post to let you know about the conference, to encourage you to check out the link in my Link List or by clicking here and go… go… go… But also because I need a scholarship to make the trip. They are having a sholarship contest and so I am going to get to the point right now.

My husband and I made a big financial decision last summer in leaving our church home which was also my place of employment. We knew God was calling us to a new place, and we have made huge adjustments in our standard of living (which, by the by, landed us in a bigger, nicer home for less money!!!) And, as we have prayed and walked this new journey out we have discovered that writing is my gig – maybe not my best gig ever – but the one God gave me and I know that God is calling me into a larger sphere of influence because we have landed in a large church with a sphere of influence that runs around the globe. I am sorting through the calling part, working my way to the finish of a novel and writing a Bible study as well as a three or four day a week blogging experience.

Now, I am fasting for 40 days hoping for breakthrough in my many areas of stronghold and this one area of promise. I am sure God has put this opportunity in my life for a reason. I want to know how to do this thing – how to land in a place where I can use what God has given me to do what He is calling me to do. But, since we are choosing to follow the Lord, it also means I have no extra income to help with the expenses of traveling half way across the country AND paying the well-worth-the-price fee to attend the conference. I would say I would crawl across broken glass and hot coals to get there, but while I am determined – I am not desperate…. Not yet anyway, so I will pray for favor for this stream of consciousness rave and ask that God would grant my desire to better myself and learn more about the gifts and talents He has placed in my life… especially since I have some experience in these areas of ministry – but I want to be the kind of writer/speaker that brings such glory to God that it changes peoples lives!!! I just want to do this thing – do it until God calls me home – and just for the record I am hoping that will be a good long run at it if you know what I mean.

All of that said, there is this little part of me that is feeling particularly favored because my seat at Bible Class last night had a Starbucks card taped to the bottom of it… so I Won a Doorprize… which indicates favor, Don’t you think?

Check out the link, and know that I am asking God for mighty things for the Proverbs 31 ministry folk and conference speakers, attendees and well everyone who is touched either diectly or indirectly by this conference that will inspire growth, change and success in the name of the Lord. And maybe just a little mighty thing by getting me there… one way or another.

I could beg, but my puppy dog eyes went south with the rest of what gravity has taken from me so I guess I will just pray… God’s answers are better than manipulation anyway! If you would like to submit yourself for the scholarship then check Lysa Terkeurst’s blog out here. Suffice it to say, I’m believing God – if He wants me there He will provide the way… Have a blessed day.

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  1. It impressed me that you are fasting for 40 days.
    My sister attended She Speaks in 2006, along with a friend, who had written a devotional book about fasting, EAT. It has now progressed that they have made several appearances in Virginia and have created a great website full of all kinds of resources regarding fasting. Here’s the URL:

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