
Praying It In | Isaiah 62:6-7

Late Saturday I received a Tweet (follow me @michellebentham) that left me scrolling blog comments at the LPM Blog until around 11:30 pm.

While I was trying to finally settle my mind down to sleep my friend, Mary, texted me and asked, “What can I do to help build your boat?”

I thought perhaps she had texted the wrong person, so I replied. “What do you mean? Help me build my boat?”

She responded with a question about the previous week’s sermon at Gateway Church which I totally missed – VACATION.

I told her I had not heard the message and she promptly rephrased the question. “How can I help you build your business?”

OH, YES! That. God had been speaking to me about Isaiah 62:6-7 and reminding me of a season when I learned about why the divided Kingdom of Israel went into captivity to Assyria and Babylon.

I remember reading the stories of the exile and even before the exile of King Manasseh’s exile when they put a ring in his nose and led him from his throne like livestock. The story goes there was so much idol worship and in-fighting among the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah that the watchmen were not focused outward watching for the enemy’s attack, but instead they were focused inwardly and the enemy came, tore down the wall and took them captive.

I have one woman I connected with through Twitter who is praying for me, and so I invited Mary to join with me as well.

We met and decided we wold start with praying in the following four areas:

1. Praying in More Intercessors. Isaiah 62:67 states, “I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, And give Him no rest till He establishes And till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” (NKJV)

I inserted the name of my business (TBA on or around August 31st) in the place of Jerusalem and said this would be the foundation for my intercessory prayer team. I need people who are willing to pray and not give God any rest until this business He has me starting is a praise and glory to Him on this earth.

2. Pray in sponsorship for the Website and Radio Show. (planned launch by August 31, 2012)  We asked for favor, and for God to make the way with favor. One of the Scriptures we found today as we prayed, I Kings 4:27 (NKJV) which speaks of the provision for Solomon’s table. “And those governors, each man in his month, provided food for King Solomon and for all who came to King Solomon’s table. There was not lack in their supply.” 

So I have begun to ask God to bring leaders who will purchase advertising through the radio show or on my website to sponsor My King’s table. To bring what is needed each month so that all who come to my table may eat and find no lack.

3. Platform (Pray in expanded influence, opportunities to minister and serve as well as reach people) Scriptures: Isaiah 54:2-4a, 10, 13-17; 1 Chronicles 4:8-10

I am reading Michael Hyatt’s book Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World”And I have set some goals for August 31! 1,000 Twitter Followers, 500 Blog Followers , New Radio Show and website launch.

(CAUTION: Gratuitous Solicitation follows…) 

[QUESTION: Do you follow this blog? If not… Why not? Follow me! If you are on Facebook you can like my fan page by clicking on the Facebook link to the right.  Just click on the link below my profile picture to the right and you will get emails of my posts when I update the blog. Easy-Peasy!”]

If you find what you read here edifying would you mind passing it on to your friends and letting them know I am here? Just askin’. God’s Word says, “We have not because we ask not…”

OKAY. Moving On…

4. Provision and Resources that are needed with NO LACK. Promised Land Scriptures.

Judges 8:10 NKJV “When you go, you will come to a secure people and a large land. For God has given it into your hands, a place where there is no lack of anything that is on the earth.”

Proverbs 31:11 NKJV (I’ve told Scott that my goal is to put him out of business – meaning he only has to go to work if he wants to. :)) “The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain.” 

Want to hear the two sweet things God has dropped into my spirit these last two days:
1. When we arrived, visiting at Gateway in May 2007 Ps. Robert Morris was teaching “The Blueprint Series” on the book of Nehemiah. Yep. That’s right. So, on Sunday morning (AKA the day before my first official day of self-employment) Ps. Tom Lane teaches on none other than NEHEMIAH. Yep. It gets better – way better. On the Welcome page… Yes, that one up there. It says the Beth Moore is doing a Siesta Summer Bible Study on (you guessed it)… NEHEMIAH. And, I have six ladies coming to my house tomorrow evening to dissect and discuss our study for the last two weeks.


2. Proverbs 31:11 was given to me last year in the spring. We wrote encouragement cards to one another and one of the group members wrote to me that I was a woman whose husband’s heart safely trusts in me. What I realized today as I met with Mary is that Scott’s agreeing to my journey away from regular employment with a regular paycheck is evidence that this is true.

When we discussed the prospect of my journey away from Gateway he acknowledged he had doubts, but he agreed I was in a different place than he is. He finally said that he felt I needed to do what I need to do. And he will lack no gain. 🙂 Thank you, Lord.

I have experienced so much peace and confirmation as we moved toward this day. I should be uncertain, feeling a sense of looming … whatever, and yet. I have utter peace and the greatest confidence that I am write where God intended for me to be all along.

So now I ask, (another gratuitous solicitation) is there anything in this post that makes you say… “I want to be a part of that….”

If yes, please EMAIL ME so we may determine what role you may play. My dreams are big and involve a radio show that will need guests (willing to come along on the show for promotion of their materials, ministry or services); an online magazine about living in the Creative Power of God; future workspace projects that will make office space available for low rates to creative types; and well, this writing, drawing, painting, speaking and teaching thing I’ve been doing these last few years.

I need prayer warriors. I need financial support if you are willing to sponsor through advertising on my new website and/or the radio show I would love that – I will not be non-profit because at this time the Lord is leading me to pursue this as a business for the benefit of those around me and my family. If that changes I will let you know but for now any donations will be taxable income for my business…. Or you could commission an art project, pay me to writer or speak… You get the picture. (end gratuitous solicitation).

Thank you so much for following me and reading along with me to this point.

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  1. Michelle,
    I stumbled on your site last week, it must be that God brought me here. You have touched my heart and I will be praying for your upcoming business.

    I have truly felt led for many years to write, God actually told me when I first came to the Lord that I would write, testimonies. I have never known what format that would take. And that was years before the Internet or social networking even existed! I did know that a book would be part of it. In the last few years, I have toyed with the idea of doing exactly what you are doing, by blogging, to get started. So should you feel led to have a guest writer, contact me: suzy_south@ hotmail.com.

    Today your scripture Proverbs 31:11 really hit home. I have been single for 12 years, twice divorced, and raised my 3 kids pretty much alone. For the past year and a half, I have been dating an incredible Christian man. He and I both have felt that God brought us together. But he has some things he’s decided to work through, so has asked permission to go off and “shop around” as I am only his third girlfriend ever. I think he’s battling fear and is ‘fighting his head’ as we say in horse training. I think he has heard from God and isn’t ready to go there yet. We have both felt this is leading to marriage, but as we’ve both been single so long, we aren’t sure if we can break those habits.

    This is a long explanation to tell you that scripture has led me to ask 7 prayer partners to pray this verse over he and I for 21 days. I am wondering if you would hold all of us in your prayers, too? I’m not sure why, but I feel connected to you through this. I thank you for your willingness to follow God’s leading.

    I will be praying for your start up and your business ventures. Thank you for blessing us with your blog. I will share I your site with my friends.

    Sincerely, Susan

    1. Hi Susan,

      I would be happy to pray for you and your relationship. I’m excited that you were inspired and encouraged by the testimony I’ve shared. I have a new post brewing in my heart. Please do stop by later this week and see what the Lord has been up to. I’m on a journey with Him and grateful He is bringing me faithful friends like you. If you have not already done so, you may “follow” my blog and have the posts emailed directly to you. If you choose to follow just follow the link on the right and jump in.

      Hope to “see” you again soon.


  2. It’s been a pleasure to watch you walk hand in hand with God through this process Michelle. You are a woman of many talents – one of them being an encourager to many. I am excited to watch this new road unfold for you and the many others who will join you in the journey!

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