Speaking Stonecroft Teaching Women's Ministry

Stonecroft Women

This morning I went to a luncheon for a ministry group called Stonecroft. It is women who are seeking to connect other women with each other, with community and with God. It was a delicious luncheon at a very elite Country Club. My friend, Kerrie, was the guest speaker. I took my camera so we could get a picture… But… Guess What….

I forgot to take one. Drats.

Still – these women were absolutely AMAZING. Kerrie, is a star – shining star for our Lord! She brought a wonderful, funny and witty message about purpose and then she sang the beautiful song CeCe Winans made popular, “The Alabastar Box.” Brought the house down, Yes. She. Did.

As I was leaving I was very humbled to hear Kerrie tell the leader of the Southlake Group that she felt I should be a Stonecroft Speaker. WOW! That was all I could say. These women blew me away, and Kerrie found me to be remotely qualified to speak into their lives. God’s grace must have been all over me at that moment. I did not shake or tremble. I just graciously received and acknowledged. Prayer is the order of this day.

Last night, as my husband looked on, I shared my grief testimony over Justin’s life and death with a group of about 50 people at a class at church. For the first time ever… I mean – I was somewhat nervous and uncertain… I almost knelt in the bathroom stall and confessed I couldn’t do it to God… But, then I was given the microphone and the pulpit and all of a sudden God’s Words just began to flow out of my mouth. I did not prepare anything but I wrote down a paraphrase of part of Lamentations 3 on an index card and turned my Bible to Isaiah 60:20 – the verse God gave me as He confirmed my healing over my son’s death. I spoke confidently, boldy and yes, even cheerfully.

Afterward I had the extreme honor of praying with a dear woman who was suffering much through her grief. I was informed by the pastor who presented the class that I did very well, I had her in tears.

I couldn’t believe it.

I did a quiet time devotion and received from the Lord. I spoke to Him about what I would say and then asked the Holy Spirit to give me words. Before I knew it the beauty of my story — with just enough detail poured forth like oil on the feet of our Savior.

I sometimes think the enemy jumbles up my words and repeats them to me in a way that is intended to make me confused as I speak. I often think I jump around too much and don’t make sense. In the car, on the way home, I asked my husband if he thought I spoke well, and he said I did. I think his support and presence did much to build me up and then the Holy Spirit brought the confidence I needed to bring forth an apt Word from the Lord.

I was totally humbled and blessed through the last 24 hours. Can’t even process it all. I think I need a nap.

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  1. Oh Michelle, blessings in deed!!! I have not heard of that group. I live in FW and work in Euless, well really all over DFW. Thank you for sharing this post on many levels. I do however attend the Fellowship of Professional Women when I can in Dallas. It is a lot of fun. Write more or email me about Stonecroft. I would like to know more.
    Also, I know the “jumbled words” you write of. One time I was speaking and the enemy was hollering in one ear, I was praying to God and listening to HIM in the other and my mouth was moving on the message God gave me on HOPE – I call it Heaven’s Offering of Peace Eternal. Anyway, I know that chaos which the enemy brings but that God HE brings Peace!

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