Blog Friends Forever Blog Fun - A Game of Tag Blogging.... blabbering... and bliss.... :o)

TAG! You’re IT!

My friend SUSAN at “Forever His” tagged me today with a game of “Six Random Things About Me!” So… Here are the rules as I choose to play along:
1) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Post the rules on your blog (copy and paste 1-6).
3) Write 6 random things about yourself.
4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

1. Apparently my husband and I have gotten funnier with age. I have never thought of myself as particularly funny, but then the other night my daughter and her best friend were here and I had them in stitches – so I receive that … The older I get the funnier I get.

2. I love to sing. When I was growing up I wanted to be LORETTA LYNN. No kidding. My first opportunity to sing in front of anyone was Karoke in a bar! GO Figure. I sang “Walking After Midnight,” really loud and really off key. Picture Cameron Diaz in “My Best Friend’s Wedding” and you would have a pretty good idea of what I sounded like! A few months later a friend and I tackled “CRAZY” and that went over really big… Not a note off key. These days I sing worship to God… and I love demonstrative worship, the more charismatic the better. Singing and dancing before the Lord, making a joyful noise – I am all about that!

3. I want to buy an old farm house and restore the whole thing. I also wouldn’t mind buying and rebuilding/restoring a 1968 Ford Mustang. I want to learn to do these things myself. I just do!

4. My hair has not officially been its natural color since 2001!

5. I just might officially be a Word Study Geek and Commentary Nerd. I love me some good commentary and the deeper the Word study in that Bible of mine I can go the happier I am.

6. Yesterday I told my daughter that I was really a skinny woman in a larger woman’s body… Cause I just don’t feel XX LARGE most of the time. (Must be that love I have for sweets working on me.)

And that is the six randoms things about me.

Here are my six tagged friends:







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  1. OK! It was a slow evening here so I played along instead of doing a more serious IOW Post for tomorrow.

    My hair hasn’t been it’s natural color since 1984!!!

    You can see the rest of my randomness now on my blog. The one I left off matched your #2. I used to pretend I was Sandi Patti — sang into the handle of a hairbrush. Then in college I was her children’s babysitter. I told her about singing into the hairbrush and she laughed!

  2. Thanks Michelle,

    This was fun. I learned some neat things about you.

    I love studing too. I have a great reference book you need. I’ll let you know the name when I can find it!! (He He…)



    I started a new blog just for things like this. In the past I post on the comment, verses on my blog. I titled it, Joy Comes In The Morning; so God is still a focus, but it can be fun things also.

    When God asked me to step out for Him, and later to start the blog for His Glory…I just haven’t felt I would be doing so, in having the games on. Any way, to say all of that to say this…I’m up and running and picked 6.

    Love to you!

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