Blogging.... blabbering... and bliss.... :o)

The Daily Dose

My daily dose may be a little more limited than others because I am rather new to blogging. Ask me about Myspace and I might be able to shuttle you around, but blogging is rather new and it is bringing such great opportunities into my life. I have met two siestas who are walking a tough journey and we are making the way together… they shall remain nameless, but if they are reading this then they know who they are!

So, here is my “Daily Does” as Ms. Bev so lovingly puts it:
1. Bev – she shares such meaningful insights not only about God’s Word, but also about her life and those she comes into contact with daily. She is a beautiful blessing and a dear new friend in our Lord.
2. BooMama – I’ve just discovered BooMama, okay… okay… so I have not been on the blog block very long and so there it is. But BooMama is a hoot and a hollar that gives me a laugh so hard my sides ache and my eyes water. I just can’t help it. She has southern style and charm with a dash of seasoning salt and I just can’t wait to read her “writing” again!
3. Twinkle – Twinkle encourages me to dig deeper, look harder and live freer – and that is worth more than anyone could ever know. She is a Barnabas and a woman after God’s own heart.
4. Jenny Hope – The picture in her header is the best reason for visiting – Precious! I tell you. Of course babies give me warm fuzzies everywhere and that baby is so darn cute you just want to pick her up and cuddle. Jenny’s heart is so tender to God and her family – she is a blessing beyond measure.
5. A View from the Mountaintop – Teri is a tender heart toward God. She has walked the hard roads of life, but as her blog currently points out – “It is well, with her soul” She is seeking freedom and the heart of God in so many ways and shares what she learns readily with others. The king is enthralled with her beauty and is a delight not only to her sisters but also to her God.
If I am honest…. Beth’s LPM blog is what brought me here – then I thought I would write a memorial blog about my son… but truthfully, God wanted me to discover something inside of myself. I just want to give an honorary shout to our Beth. I know Beth has been at the writing and encouraging thing a lot more than most of us have been, but having sat under and led her studies consistently for the last five years, she has become a friend and a mentor to me even though we never met. It is good to go and read her transparent and authentic posts and see her be as human as the next gal! She makes me laugh, cry and she always presses me hard in our Father’s direction. She is an inspiration to all.

Well, I have to go… there are two babies coming into our family in the next few months and we are having a Baby Shower for one of them today! Oh Joy! Babies… Babies… Babies… Love them so much you just want to pinch there little rosy cheeks, but then that would make them cry so I guess I won’t – but whew! Nothing like a baby to make your heart say, “Thank You Lord, bless my soul! He makes all things new!”

Blessings to all.

P. S. Be sure to read my post from yesterday, the Spirit is so sweet and he gave me such a word. It is precious when He shows up so huge. He usually does this a lot but these days it is in technicolor! Love ya’ll!

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  1. Michelle,

    You are just precious!! Thank you for including me in your blog and for what you said.

    Thank you for interceding on my behalf as I get “real” before Our Father and “break COMPLETELY free” this time of that unforgiveness and fear issue.

    Your prayers have been heard by the Father because HE has awakened me each morning to dig deeper and to reveal more of HIMSELF and more of the why’s of myself.

    This may not make sense but, I will write you big and long soon when I get more time between studying.

    Please know that you are loved even though I don’t “know you face to face”.

    Anyone with a heart to pray for others is amazing! HE abides in you and you abide in HIM 🙂

    Be blessed this day and I am offering a prayer for you and your family to Our Father.

    Love and Blessings,

    p.s. I am praying for your daughter and her choices and for the family that lost the little one.

  2. Sweet, sweet, sweet Michelle. How honored I am to be called a “Barnabas!” You bless me so much, too. Thanks for the kind words and I pray that you do see Christ in me. I see Him in you.

    I enjoyed your playlist…Rescue…love it!

  3. Thank you for your kind words to me, Michelle. So grateful somebody hooked me up with you OR should I say so grateful to my beautiful God that I have the immense privilege to walk alongside you in the same city, a woman of incredible tenderness and tenacity who has held FAST to her sovereign God. My ears perk up when anyone tells a story of suffering and how they have handled it and those are the people I want to be around. Look forward to hugging your neck soon and being in your presence. You are solid. You are real. You are just absolutely precious to me. We’ll get to Gateway soon. You know if I missed Jack Hayford, I must be swamped! Read this post and the next one and I must say, I love your childlike faith that reamins on HIM.
    PS – I did hook up with Kate who has graciously offered to help with my part of the room.
    PPS – The reason i came here was to tell you thank you for your response to my comment on Kim’s but I don’t remember exactly what I shared…all I know is that this has been a difficult week where in one 24 hour period there was one attack after another. Satan just wants to discourage me and I’m standing my ground and after I do everything I know to do, I’m still standing Eph 6 against His doings in all of this. Thanks for your prayers. Sorry this was a book. Afraid to look how long it is LOL.

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