
The Fervent Prayers of the Righteous Avail Much | A Call To National Prayer

James admonishes us in his epistle that the prayers of the righteous avail much. And this week, Beth Moore posted a prayer request post on her blog yesterday inviting those who visit and comment at the LPM Blog to post prayers for our next President and nation based on Scriptures that would be prayed throughout the next few days as the election results come in and this political season draws to a close. I am extending the same invitation here. You are welcome to write out your own prayers based on Scripture (please include the Scripture references) and share them in comments here on the blog.

In the next few days a decision will be revealed based on the votes of the electorate and the determination of the Electoral College results. I’ve already indicated my firm belief that God’s will shall be done no matter who wins the next election. As I type I done my due diligence, making my voice heard, as I cast my vote in what I believe is one of the most significant elections of our time. I have written more about this election here.

I stood in line a week and a half ago for  thirty minutes or so and selected the candidates of my choice in various elections listed on my ballot. I voted my conscience and my convictions and encourage you to do the same. Whatever concerns you carry into the polls when you return home, I also implore you to hit your knees or enter your prayer closet and pray for the next President of the United States of America and the destiny of this great nation where we are privileged to live.

So with that said, I will post my own prayer below. I will close this post to comments at Midnight tonight. We will return here on Thursday morning to reflect on our prayers and offer praise to God for His answers. Please do not pray opinions or for specific candidates – but instead offer your best prayers for the person who will be the President (whether incumbent or opposing) and for this nation and its future. Any prayer reflecting a specific candidate preference will not be posted. 

Thank you for joining me in prayer today. May the Lord bless us all, keep us in His care, make His face shine up one this nation and grant us all peace and an abundance of security in the days ahead.

Sovereign Lord, Your Word says that the heart of the “king” is in Your hands and You determine his path as a watercourse. (Proverbs 2:21)

Lord, in Your Sovereignty and Omniscience, You already know the outcome of this election season and You know the heart of the man who is to be our next elected President of the United States of America. His heart is in Your hands. I pray Lord, that as this election turns out that those who carry the weight of this election over the next 24 hours would not be wise in their own eyes, but that they would allow You to search and reveal the motives of their heart.

I pray that You, Lord, would give us the leader who will seek wisdom and godly counsel, stand with the nation of Israel, and the value of life and Your Word. That the next leader of this country would lead with righteousness, mercy and grace from a position of humility and know that You Lord God are the only true sovereign and the only true King of all the universe. I pray that he would know that You have granted him this position of influence and favor and that he would steward that position with diligence, steadfastness and faithfulness to the values that this nation was founded upon.

Lord, Your Word says that Your Purpose will stand regardless of the many plans and notions of men. You caution the wise to listen to advice and accept instruction that they may gain wisdom for the future. (Proverbs 19:20-21) I pray that as the next President of these United States makes his own plans, that he will remember that it is You who orders his steps. Your Word says there is no human wisdom, understanding or counsel that will stand against You. Your Word is truth. Your will and Your purpose will prevail. The men who are running the office of President have prepared themselves for this journey as best they have known to do, but it is You Lord who will bring deliverance and victory to this nation. I pray for wisdom and favor for the man You have appointed to the next season as President and Chief Executive Officer of these United States, that he would be a man who surrounds himself with wise, godly counsel and would act in humility and honor toward the sacred trust of leadership in government that has been established from the foundation of the world by You.

Lord, as I read Joel Chapter 2 I am struck by the motivation of the priests who so grieved over the state of the nation that they would go to the door and observe the state of their nation before returning to the altar and praying for relief. We, Lord, Your people of these United States have inclined our ear to You and we cry out Lord for relief for those who are without jobs today. We cry out for relief for those who have been so heavily affected by the storms that have hammered the Northeastern coasts of our country, Lord. We pray for relief from the debts that have steadily been built up in this nation over the last 50 years and threaten our security, our economy and the prosperity of this nation going forward.

Lord God,  I pray that the people of this country would see that change will not come to our nation with the next election of a President, but change will come to this nation when the hearts of His people, those who are called by His name, turn their hearts back to Him and repent for seeking the things of this world and the favor of men over the truth of Your Word and the pattern of godliness You’ve established in Your Word. I stand in the gap today, Lord, to hold back the destruction of many and pray on behalf of this nation that You would place in office the man of Your choice and that this man would – even if he does not do so now – seek peace and pursue it, make decisions with wisdom and understanding, and lead this nation with honor, dignity and wisdom in every way.

May Your holy name be ever praised, and my Your love prevail. May Your glory be revealed through this very process of election and governmental process. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

No matter who wins this election our nation needs healing, our nation and church need revival and our people need prayer. Pray as you’ve never prayed before…

Remember: “Confess your trespasses (personal sins) to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” ~ James 5:16 (NKJV)

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