Intercessory Prayer National Prayer Scripture and Insights

The Gift of Understanding

I have had a bit of it. During my tense moments watching the results of last week’s elections I sensed in my spirit that God said to me, “Get it all out of your system. You will have to respect him as President.” OUCH!

Then I remembered a Scripture God had given me last week before the election. It is a snippet out of 1 Chronicles 28:19 “…the Lord made me understand in writing by His hand upon me…” Oh Glory! Eyes fixed on Jesus, Hearts stayed on His Word, and a Nation stayed by the saving grace of God.

I am reading a book called Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation a book written by Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets. A few years ago they received a call to travel to all 50 states of the nation and pray with intercessors to reveal the destiny of each state. They went to each state twice and this book is the result of that journey. By way of introduction, each man writes a chapter telling how they came to the place where they joined the Lord on this call to travel, prophesy, pray and intercede. In Mr. Pierce’s chapter (the second) he includes a quote from Mr. Sheets’ book Intercessory Prayer which I felt was just too good not to share it with you today!

“Dutch also says in Intercessory Prayer when discussion Ezekiel 22:
………..God’s holiness, integrity, and uncompromising truth prevent Him from simply excusing sin. It must be judged. On the other hand, not only is He holy, but He is also love and His love desires to redeem, to restore, and to show mercy… The passage is clearly saying “While my justice demanded judgment, My love wants forgiveness. Had I been able to find a human to ask Me to spare his people, I could have. It would have allowed Me to show mercy.”

In other words, if we do not take our stand, then He ahs to release destruction to bring restoration of His purpose in the earth.”

Throughout the Old Testament there is the picture of one or two taking a stand for the multitude. Think of it – Moses interceded on behalf of the nation of Israel when God intended to destroy them for their disobedience.

Daniel stood in prayer with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego for the nation in captivity and for the pagan government that had rule over them. Mordecai and Esther stood for their nation in captivity, Nehemiah stood as well. Over and over again is the picture of one or two standing in the gap for the redemption of many. Will we take that stand?

Stay Focused. Stand on His Word. Pray the Heart of God. Declare the Name of Jesus. And Love them like He does. It is our time and place in history to rise above what we see and speak, live and intercede by faith in every way. Will you stand with me?

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