In "Other" Words: A Writing Challenge

Tuesday’s In Other Words: For His Glory

This Week, SUSAN at “Forever His” is hosting. Pop on over and read what others are saying In Other Words.
Please visit Loni at Writing Canvas” by using the link in this post to learn more about In Other Words and how you can participate!

More than three years ago, this verse had such a different meaning for me. It meant that God’s plans would not harm me – they wouldn’t hurt and they were for a future and a hope. I coupled it with Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 (NIV) Believing that the past where I had chosen not to follow God would result in a glorious future, and as long as I walked with Him life would turn out just as “we” had planned.

I could not have been more wrong. As I planned for writing this post today, I heard Romans 8:28 ringing in my ears just as I quoted it. But, I realized that the coupling of Jeremiah 29:11 and Romans 8:28 does nothing for the hurting because at times they don’t ring true. At least that is what I found in my own experience in suffering and loss. Then I read the Message’s paraphrase of Romans 8:28 and I could declare, “That’s IT!”

That is what I feel like is happening in my life today: God is taking every painful, ugly and even glorious detail of my life in His love and working it into a masterpiece that reveals something that will benefit us and show off His amazing glory for all to see! It is His plan, He has had it from the beginning and He is working it out even in the writing of these words. He is showing how even pain, though it hurts for a little while, will not bring harm to my relationship with Him. He is showing how in spite of what hurts and how life deals us blows we can neither anticipate nor understand… We can still have hope in the One True God who gives and takes away, and blesses us in every season of our lives. Even if the blessing is only His peace and His love in a season of great pain. He alone is God, He alone is good and His glory makes this journey all worth while!

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  1. Sister…I am holding on tightly lately to His promises as well. Thanks for your transparency and for always pointing to Him. We can trust Him with our pain and disappointments and struggles. Hugs to you!

  2. Hey Girl!!! These two verses coupled together have been my life verses for years now! I was just talking today to my sister who attended Deeper Still in Atlanta and she was sharing with me some of P. Shirers talk about when God takes us to the wilderness. Then I read your post!
    Yes,God takes it all, the good, bad, and the ugly and works them together for something good.
    And it is sometimes in the pain and the desert places that God is able to work with us the most….
    Love ya!!!

  3. I love your part about how God is taking ugly pieces and making them into a masterpiece. He’s done and is still doing that in my life. Thanks for sharing your heart.

  4. Michelle,
    I’ve been here enough times to see how far you have walked on this walk…Your words are just so real…they come through a screen!

    It just blows me away how He does take all the ugly, painful details and weaves them into a masterpiece of awe….and glory…
    great words today!
    you’ve blessed me!

  5. Oh Michelle,

    How thank-ful I am that God has placed you in my life!!!

    Just reading this post put chills down my spine…

    I love when you declared this:

    … God is taking every painful, ugly and even glorious detail of my life in His love and working it into a masterpiece that reveals something that will benefit us and show off His amazing glory for all to see!

    Yes, I am a WITNESS to this glorious masterpiece each time I stop by or email you. I hope one day to have the honor of meeting you in person and hug your neck real good!!

    Keep Blessing His name, He loves you so much♥

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