In "Other" Words: A Writing Challenge My Husband... My Love My Story... my family... my journey... He is my God No Regrets Thankfulness The Future The Past

Tuesday’s In Other Words: No Regrets, Just Gratitude

For more information about this writing challenge please visit Loni at Writing Canvas by clicking the link above.

“And I don’t regret the rain,
And the nights I felt the pain,
And the tears I had to cry some
of those times along the way.
Every road I had to take,
Every time my heart would break –
It was just something that I had to get through
To get me to you…”
As sung by Lila McCann,
“To Get Me To You” [Hope Floats Soundtrack]
As Thanksgiving approaches this year, the words to this song resound in my head in so many ways. I had this song played at our wedding ten years ago because I had lived such a rough existence prior to meeting the “love of my life,” Scott. He swept in like a knight on a white horse and brought such good things to my life and the lives of my children. But, most of all, he stood by me through thick and thin, loved me unconditionally and overlooked a sordid and ugly past in favor of a future with me. He has willingly taken on the responsibility of my three children and brought to my life the beauty of his own. I was so thankful to be marrying a man like him, and I knew God had brought us together for a reason. I thank God for him everyday.
Scott’s love made my past worth the journey.
Because I valued it more, and I appreciate him more. He made me want to be a better person and our marriage and his lack of faith drove this family straight into the arms of God. So, I don’t regret the rain or the pain or the tears or any of the umpteen million things that happened that made me feel I was “a used up woman with three kids.” A broken down mess, damaged goods. Because my story mirrors the redemption of Christ and the adulterous woman. I can love much, because the love I have received has forgiven much and I can tell people who are living where I had lived that there is hope, and future and promise in God’s plan for them — I am living proof.


Would I do it differently – maybe, maybe not. I would have done what I knew to do at the time. Now that I know better I can walk forward and leave the past where it belongs, under the blood of Christ, forgiven on the cross where I have confessed my sins to Him, and as far as the east is from the west – remembered no more.
Since Justin’s death I have learned a new lesson, that life is way too short to live in regret… So I move forward by choice. Living everyday fully, with God and my family and loving every minute of this life He has given me. And, today I can forgive others and remember their sins against me no more… a life lived with NO REGRETS.
Thank You Lord Jesus, for dying on the cross for my sins, for redeeming a wretched sinner such as I. Thank You even more for redeeming my past, my tears, my pain and my shame and mending them into a beautiful tapestry that tells the story of Your beautiful grace. I cannot fathom it, and I cannot often see what you see in me, but I am grateful for the journey, the love and the promise you have bestowed upon all who call upon Your name. You are a good God and I for one am thankful you are my God and Your love sees me through. It is in Your sweet name I pray, Amen.

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  1. Hi Michelle,

    Sorry it’s taken me this long to get over here. I’ve got to put you blog on my side bar, I thought I did this a LONG time ago?

    Anyhow, what a beautiful post. I see the hand of God’s weaving through your beautiful tapesty each time I visit.

    You have such a grateful heart, and I know this is truly the source of your great joy in Jesus.

    Thanks for sharing your journey with us. I’m so blessed and encouraged each time I stop by.

    Keep choosing Jesus.

    Your light and your love for Him shines so brightly♥

  2. I can honestly, openly and thankfully grasp every bit of Michelle’s post. Why can I thankfully? Because by having done so, I found myself at the foot of the cross. I linked to a post I wrote back in August that I feel shows this so well.

    My Christ and His healing powers radiate!


  3. That was a great post. Thanks for sharing your story with us. There’s a little bit of all of us in that story, things in the past that don’t need to be part of our future. I love what God is so willing to do for us.

  4. It’s so wonderful to know that no matter what happens in life, God will always be there to take us in His arms and carry us through. I am so sorry about the loss of your son–but I am rejoicing with you that he is in Heaven with our incredible Father!

    Thank you so much for your words. Your post is truly an inspiration. I too will be praying for you and your family.

    In His arms,

  5. “So I move forward by choice. Living everyday fully, with God and my family and loving every minute of this life He has given me.”

    Such wisdom. It’s exactly how I want to live my life.

    Your story is so uplifting. Thank you for sharing and hosting today.

  6. Whenever our story mirrors the redemption of Christ and HE is glorified – the rain and the tears and the heartbreak are easily tossed aside. Amen? I think the greatest misunderstanding of “suffering” in today’s world is that we rely on the American English definition of the word and fail to look to Scripture for it’s message and definition on Suffering.
    Wonderful and Personal Post. Your writing always leave us focused on God’s Mercy and Grace in our lives.
    (Good luck with that pesky Mr. Linky-do.)

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