Introductions Purpose


At a support group for bereaved parents that I attend we often say, “I’m so glad you found us, but sorry to meet you under these circumstances.” So with that sentiment in mind, I say welcome to the first step in a transforming journey from loss to healing.
Christ died to set us free from the burden and pain and grief, from the trials of life and the tragedy of sorrow. Which often leaves us asking why?
…………….~Why, Lord, did this have to happen?
And the answers are neither simple nor delicate. They are often messy, heartbreaking and sometimes frustrating… However, the end result is worth the journey. A Crown of Beauty for ashes, the Oil of Gladness for Mourning, and a Garment of Praise for the spirit of Despair. We don’t have to live in the pain of our losses – we have the right to trade them so that we are seen as oaks of righteousness, planted by the Lord for the display of His splendor and glory.
I began this website in response to requests that I somehow develop a support environment for grieving Moms online the way I am doing it in my church this fall.
If you are grieving and hurting, you are welcome to join us here. Please leave a comment and if you don’t have a blog send me an email. My next post will be a list of “community guidelines” for this blog. Once the guidelines are up, those desiring to participate will be asked to comment their agreement to the terms of the group. The goal is to create a safe environment where we can gather, learn and grow in our grief to a place of Hope and Healing. To develop a prayer support network and a place for resources to be developed – and to mark out a journey of faith in the most unimaginable pain and loss!
God’s Word assures us that to whom much is given, much is required. And I believe the same is true of our suffering – the deeper the suffering, the greater the anointing for ministering comfort in return. I am praying for you all.
* Please read these Community Guidelines and post “I agree” as your comment.
* Heart to Heart’s Statement of Faith here.
* You can read more about the Stages of Grief here.
There will be links in the sidebar to these three posts as well as “Posts by Topic” so that you can easily find what you are looking for, our weekly posts are under Prayer Requests and Thought Filled Thursdays. May God’s love and light shine on you in your journey through grief..
Until next time, be blessed in the knowledge of God’s promise to redeem our suffering for our good and His glory!

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  1. Alma, you are on my heart and in my prayers…I will be praying that God will calm your spirit, speak comforting words and bring peace that only He can. I will be sharing your need with an amazing group of ‘warrior chicks’…that’s prayer warriors!Oh that you will feel and know how loved and cared for you are.Blessings to you Alma and You, MichelleBeen reading your blog since stumbling on it about a month ago…what a beautiful thing to be brought from such ashes! You are in my prayers as well.TammyEver GratefulinGA

  2. I need much prayer, as I feel like I am creeping back to the beginning of my grief journey. I feel consumed with the death of my Wonderful Son Dobbie. He went to rest on February the 9th, 2007 and there for awhile I thought I was doing better now it seems like I have regressed back to the beginning. I miss him so very much and there is a void that nothing or anyone can seem to fill. I know in my heart that Dobbie is in a safe and such a marvelous place it must be. I know that his daily pain is no more but still his presence to me I just can’t explain how it has left me empty. I have been thinking crazy things to do so I can go and be with him. And I’m reaching out for strength to carry on. Your prayers are much needed for me right now. Thank you, Alma

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