Inspiration and Insights


I can hardly believe the wonderful things that happened in my life yesterday. I don’t even know where to start if i put them in the order of priority. So-I will start at the beginning.

Yesterday we had a time when leaders from the women’s presbytery team came and spoke words of encouragement to us. Much of my calling and the present path I am taking with the Lord was confirmed in this time. I mean some really wonderful things were said, things that I can hold onto for a long time, areas to walk in and claim. I don’t know how else to explain this except to say I can hardly believe what God did there. It just blessed my socks off!

When I got home, I was just over the moon as you can imagine. While I was cooking dinner in the evening the phone rang. It was Pastor Arnita, the pastor of women’s groups, at church. She had received my application to lead a mentoring group for bereaved moms and was following up. Yippee! I know this is really not a topic to be excited about, but it is a ministry opporunity I can’t help but anticipate greatly.

However, the icing on the cake-and you are going to find this hard to believe but, alas, it’s true-was last night at the Writing Critique Group. I took my first chapter to be critiqued. I was okay about it. I really anticipated the exercise- until the moment of truth came. I was the last one to present my chapter in a group of six. When I handed out my fourteen pages I felt my heart go “pitter-pat.” Would they tell me to keep my day job? Would they pick it to pieces or would it be a smashing success? I was breathless and feeling anxious as I read the words of the pages I had carefully written. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the leader furiously marking up my manuscript. My heart fluttered and dropped to my stomach. Still, I continued to read and had to keep catching my breath. I was finally finished and received my critique. One Word: overwhelmed. Grammar and a little too much backstory/details aside, the critique was a wonderful experience. Relief washed over me. I did not feel embarrassed or inadequate-I felt freer. (If that is a word?) Free to go back and rework the areas that need work, and encouraged that my story had merit. A start to something more.

God is good… And, I am so grateful He is moving in my life. God’s plans are perfect for us, and we must find His direction and walk in His purposes. The goal is that we become more and more like His Son until our arrival in Heaven. I for one look forward to this journey and that day. Onward!

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  1. Dear Michelle,

    Before I even read what was on your post, I knew that GOD had put it in my heart to tell you something! How awesome that I read all that HE is doing in your life! AMEN SISTER!!!

    So, it will be no surprise at all when I tell you that The Father impressed upon my heart several days in a row and today stopped me right in the middle of nursing study to speak something to you.

    I want to bless you in Jesus name for the discernment and wisdom HE gave you about my fear problem ages ago.

    I want to thank you for helping me see it and then confront not just the fear, but the unforgiveness and anger I still had in my heart for my perpetrator.

    You, through the Holy Spirit, brought it out and I received it and GOD has tenderly worked on all of it!

    Yesterday I felt compelled to post about my deliverance from that pit of sin and misery. I thought I would be so fearful or become sick trying to type that testimony of HIS love.

    I did it, Michelle! Not to give glory to the enemy, but to show GOD’S incredible love and power over the bonds that the enemy has on us!

    Thank you and bless you for your gift of discernment and wisdom.

    YES Mam, GOD is using you…oh yes HE is!!

    Love and blessings,

  2. Oh Michelle,

    How exciting!! God is truly going to use you in a MIGHTY way! I’m so happy for you.

    You have blessed my life with your awesome testimony of HOPE.

    Keep shinning for Jesus, I’m cheering you on♥

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