
Michelle writes, speaks, and paints pursuing God as her Creator. As a visual and graphic artist, she’s passionate about connecting others to His heart while discovering His Creative Genius in them!

Michelle has been known to say, “Art is the only thing I could endlessly that always gives life to me!”

In high school, she took a year of art and found that concepts of dimension, light, shade, and depth perception eluded her. Her skillset may have been limited, but her heart made for design. She’d tell you she was nominal as an artist, more crafty than anything, but always found herself drawn in by literary works, the way writers vividly paint pictures with words, and always found wonder in the colors splashed across the sky at sunrise – she’s been known to chase them from time to time. Her passion for creativity evident even at a young age when her teacher noted that she had a vivid imagination. (Notice we did not say vain!)

Through the years she hand drew and inked greeting cards, including her own wedding invitations, wrote her husband love “newsletters” (thank you, Publisher) filled with encouragement, love notes, and poems about their relationships. He may have even passed them around to his friends at work. Until, decades after that art class experience, she found herself in need of art to decorate a ministry room and had only a small budget – she bought canvas, acrylic paints, and brushes. Before long, she was teaching children in the church after school program how to paint what they see while sharing God’s creative nature with their parents.

As time passed, and she received a word about being a spiritual decorator and embraced the prophetic ministry of paint. Working out sketches and paintings of things she saw from God’s perspective. She’d prophesy over people, give the works away, and then… Someone asked how much she would charge for a painting. She never looked back.

Often times, she can be heard speaking of her work, “They always turn out better than I imagined them to be.” She’s grown to realize over the years that if she doesn’t know how to do something in particular to just pray, worship God, and trust Him to work through her in the ministry of paint.

Blooming Inspired Arts came to life as Michelle placed her art in a local gallery and began to teach classes about the biblical basis of creativity. She led prophetic painting workshops with groups where the focus was on listening to God and experiencing His presence through the paint rather than the outcome. Many times people will ask about her work, and she’ll respond with a question. “What stands out to you?”

She believes every painting tells a story, and her art preaches, prophesies, prays, and declares the glory of God. She prays you would read the art stories on her Blooming Inspired Arts Website and encounter the Lord through the ministry of paint He has offered her.

Check out Michelle’s Art – Click the image below:

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