
Five Minute Fridays: Seasons of Change

Today, I’m joining my friend Alex and GypsyMama in Five Minute Fridays! 

GO. Life five years ago… We were, as we are now, in transition.

My family and I were in our second year of grieving the passing of my oldest son, Justin. As spring unfolded our lives were in a season of closing out the old and birthing the new. I stood on the precipice of breakthrough with God and felt Him urging me ever forward.

That season led to a move smaller home, selling one vehicle and leaving my position and our previous church home for the larger doors of Gateway Church. I spent my afternoons working in the After School program taking tuition, sending out notices and preparing Object Lesson notes, and finding the balance of life again after facing my worst confessed fear-the death of my child.

This is also the year that I began my first ministry group to grieving parents. I spent the week of Spring Break that year painting and decorating a room so this time five years ago I was advertising and contacting grieving parents in three counties to let them know we would be available to them if they had a need.

As I prepared to serve the hurting in our community, God did something that has led me to the season of change I am in today. He awakened my heart to the artist inside of me. I started with a few canvases and acrylic paints for the walls and ended up teaching the After School kids to paint from God’s perspective. I love that God moves in mysterious ways… So, here I am jumping into the deep end of the ocean with Him again. STOP. 

That season of our lives turned us upside down and inside out. But, through it we have found our way to a new place, one of hope, joy, love and grace to weather any storm. The last five years have been the most healing of my life.

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