
2 posts


I affirm these statements as my own true and personal beliefs. I further state that my profession of faith in Jesus Christ as both savior and Lord has been a constant confession from the age of 12 and that I was baptized in water at salvation in October 1982 and again in February 2005, after I received personal revelation and a renewed commitment in my life as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Meet Michelle Bentham

Michelle Bentham lives called to serve God and His Kingdom as an ordained minister, visual artist, author, speaker, and teacher. She remains passionate about helping others connect to God’s heart through creative expression and God’s Word – the scriptures and His Son, Jesus Christ. She lives as a daughter and friend of God, wife to Scott – AKA #TheFisherman, a mentor, friend, and mother to a handful of amazing adult children, sons-in-love, and Mimi to two precious grandchildren while anticipating the arrival of her third Fall 2024.