Art Art Stories Prophetic Art

Art Stories: Meet the Artist


Michelle Bentham is an inspired prophetic artist who is primarily self taught. She often says that every painting tells a story, hence the term “art story” and believes that when you spend time with a piece of art it will speak beyond the limitations of human vocabulary. She believes her creativity and work is born from the depths of her relationship with God and is passionate about connecting people to God’s heart through creative expression.

Prophetic art is created through prayer and worship encounters with God. 1 Corinthians 14 indicated that New Testament prophecy is given through the Holy Spirit to help build up, encourage and comfort other believers until we all reach unity in the faith. Many people have asked if Michelle sees visions since she is a visual artist, but more often than not a Scripture or just a single word will inspire the creative process and then a story develops through the painting of the piece.

Michelle’s work is marked by several significant features: It responds to light (fluorescent, track and black lights). She achieves light effects in her artwork by using fluorescent, metallic and iridescent paints. Other hallmarks of her work are bright, vibrant colors, idyllic themes mixed with some realism. She paints and creates the way she sees the world in vivid color and with faith-based perspective.

Her work is featured in a working gallery on the town square in Granbury, Texas. Visit Against the Grain Studio at 111 E. Bridge Street, Granbury Texas 76049 to experience Michelle’s work in person.

She is available for private prophetic art sessions for individuals or small groups.

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